5 funny comments I got after that blog:
1. One lady laid in bed at 4:00am on her iphone giggling at the blog, next to sleeping husband.
2. One person told me her friend thinks that way OUT LOUD. All the time.
3. Several women sat at computer reading and laughing with tears and aching sides, relating to the story.
4. I LOVED reading comments of your own crazy situations!
5. An unnamed person admitted I was funny.
Apparently many of you live the same life as me (at least those in America with kids of similar ages as mine). Except for my dear friend in Hong Kong who has informed me of the safety of their city and the helpful city transportation their kids can use with no fears. I actually researched and found an article that called Hong Kong one of the top three safe cities in the world. I'm jealous! I wish I could send my kids around town without any worries, but unfortunately, our midwestern Bible belt area has raced to the top in crime, divorce, abuse, trafficking, teen pregnancy and incarceration. Unfortunate. And hard to believe.
Life has hindered blogging in the last two weeks, but I’ve spoken with and received messages from many of you regarding different topics relating to girl issues. So many things are in the works. I appreciate your input. I appreciate my friend Lisa sharing a guest blog during my busy week. Check out her special word for single moms if you missed it.
I’ve also continued meetings with local girls and can’t wait to share some of their wisdom and thoughts too (anonymously of course).
When my husband and I were recently in San Francisco , a highlight of the trip was feeling like we’d traveled the world. We hardly heard English spoken. People from all over the world were there. As we toured the city and heard about their culture, I thought to myself how different life probably is even in some American cities than in our Midwestern town.
Some of the thoughts we share that work in our geographical areas may or may not make sense to someone in large cities or across the world. Or maybe it does! I'm just a little intrigued by it. (I should have been an anthropologist).
Then again, some values and ideals penetrate every culture and situation, because we are all human.
Obviously most readers of this blog are in the States, but I'm fascinated how the internet has made out world so small. Just since my last blog, our readers (or those who have at least stumbled upon this site) have included Hong Kong, Poland, Russia, Latvia, Romania, Mexico, Malaysia, Portugal, Germany, France, Argentina, Canada, Taiwan and Ukraine. (I guess blogger translates??) What's fun is my favorite artist I've found online who created today's blog picture is from Ukraine. (Tasia 12 at www.bigstockphoto.com). Anyway, I would love to hear from people in other cultures that read this blog. Do we live similar circumstances or are things vastly different for you?
One thing I do know, no matter what our surrounding circumstances, the issues of the heart remain the same for all of us.
More to come.
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