
Some Helps for Friendship Drama

If you have a girl (or are one), there are friendship worries and woes going on at any given moment.

We can learn how to get better at handling them.

The next few blogs will be on this topic.

For starters, if you're looking for a book you or your daughter can read, there are some out there that I recommend.

Here are a few resources I have used that I find pretty helpful.

For elementary through possibly middle school- Christian Girls Guide to Friendship

For elementary, ideally 3rd-5th grade, American Girl has Friends- Making Them and Keeping Them

For middle school, American Girl has A Smart Girl's Guide to Friendship Troubles.

For some of the more serious, intense, true mean girl stuff for older girls, from a Scripture based approach, I'd recommend Mean Girls- Facing Your Beauty Turned Beast by Hayley DiMarco.

For middle and high school, a newly found resource that seems to look great so far is Coping With Cliques by Susan Sprague.

Now, as I recommend other sources to you happily, while I'm writing my own, please support these great authors now, then support me when I finally have my own in print! (smile).

I tried to recommend a variety of types of books, as we have a varied reading audience. Check these out and find one that fits you.

Know that you will get alot of good advice and insight from each, but you may or may not agree with every answer given. Each of our girls situations are unique and each of us have strong opinions about relationship issues, especially involving our girls.

So use these as a guide, not as a rule book.

More to come!!

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